Share price

Largest shareholders as at 23 August 2024

Investor Shares % of total Type
Odfjell Technology Holding Ltd 23,825,396 60.37% ORD
BNP Paribas 870,067 2.20% NOM
SPACE AS 746,717 1.89% ORD
BNP Paribas 555,223 1.41% NOM
Avanza Bank AB 540,640 1.37% NOM
KONTRARI AS 500,000 1.27% ORD
SONGA CAPITAL AS 482,644 1.22% ORD
Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC 468,054 1.19% NOM
Goldman Sachs International 439,190 1.11% NOM
State Street Bank and Trust Comp 412,500 1.05% NOM
Citibank, N.A. 390,926 0.99% NOM
TOLUMA NORDEN AS 303,244 0.77% ORD
Nordnet Bank AB 271,777 0.69% NOM
DNB BANK ASA 255,243 0.65% NOM
AS CLIPPER 249,758 0.63% ORD
J.P. Morgan SE 237,213 0.60% NOM
Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft 235,000 0.60% NOM
Interactive Brokers LLC 223,375 0.57% NOM
Total number owned by top 20 31,606,429 80.09%
Total number of shares 39,463,867

Last updated 23.08.2024

Primary insiders

Odfjell Technology Ltd is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange, and have an obligation to keep an updated lists of primary insiders. A link for the primary insiders will be available shortly after Odfjell Technology is listed for trading on the main list of the Oslo Stock Exchange.

General Meeting

The general meeting has the highest authority in Odfjell Technology and shall be an effective forum for the shareholders and directors.

All registered shareholders have the right to participate in the Annual General Meeting. The notice for Annual General Meetings is sent to the shareholders and made available on the company’s website no later than 21 days before the general meeting.

Shareholders registered in VPS (the Norwegian Registry of Securities) can vote in person or by proxy. Shareholders, who are not able to attend the Annual General Meeting in person, may execute a proxy in the name of another person attending the meeting.


The Company aims to ensure that shareholder returns reflect the Company’s value creation and will consist of both dividends and a positive share price development. The Company will target a long-term dividend annual pay-out representing approximately 30 – 50% of its net profit on a consolidated basis. The Company has a high focus on value creation and will have a dividend policy that will preserve the interest of the Company and its shareholders.

When deciding whether to declare and pay an annual dividend, the Board of Directors will take into consideration market outlook, potential growth opportunities, contract backlog, cash flow generation, capital expenditure plans and funding requirements whilst maintaining adequate financial flexibility. The Board of Directors may revisit the dividend policy from time to time

Date Ticker Currency Dividend
29.08.2024 OTL NOK 1.14
24.05.2024 OTL NOK 0.89
23.02.2024 OTL NOK 0.63
13.11.2023 OTL NOK 0.63
04.09.2023 OTL NOK 0.63
23.05.2023 OTL NOK 1.27

Registrar & auditor


DNB Bank ASA, Global Companies Registrars Section
P.O. Box 1600 Sentrum
0021 Oslo, Norway

Contact details:
Jenny Nygård Sørlie, Officer in charge
Tel: +47  23 26 80 16


The Company’s auditor is KPMG AS, with business registration number 935 174 627 in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises.

Sørkedalsveien 6, 0369 Oslo,